XLActuary®               Your own actuary inside Excel.

Mortality Table Files

These files contain other mortality tables.  When a copy of the mortality table file (MRD) is placed in the folder containing XLActuary, all tables contained in the file are added to the set of built-in tables inside the add-in.
  • Click "ZIP" to download the ZIP file then extract the mortality table file (file extension = "mrd") to the folder containing XLActuary v2.0.

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1. PBGC Mortality Tables
2. Canada Pensioners' Mortality Tables
3. 2006 Base Mortality Rates (from RP-2014)
4. Pub-2010 Public Retirement Plans Mortality Tables
5. Pri-2012 Private Retirement Plans Mortality Tables
6. RP-2006 and RPH-2006 Mortality Tables
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